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jianyu's blog

Gitlab / Docker tricks

Recently some changes were made in the Gitlab / Gitlab-runner docker images, cause some issues, and I got below workaround:

1. Gitlab docker was listening on tcp port, but client can't connect to this port and telnet will also be closed immediately.

Solution: Add parameter hostname inthe docker start command, like:

Build OpenWrt on Mac (Yosemite)

1. Install XCode & Macports

# sudo port install coreutils asciidoc bzip2 fastjar flex getopt gtk2 intltool
python26 rsync ruby sdcc unzip gettext libxslt bison gawk autoconf wget gmake ncurses e2fsprogs ossp-uuid gawk findutils
gnutar bzr binutils jikes zlib openssl p5-extutils-makemaker util-linux libutil-linux e2fsprogs osso-uuid

2. Using Disk Utility to create a sparse disk image with case sensitive (Format: Mac OS Extended (case-sensitive) ). Mount it by double click

3. Check out the source code

4. Modify makefile

Upgraded to drupal 7

This upgrade has been planned for a long time. But without the help of drush, it may take much longer.

When upgrade drupal from 6 to 7, most time is spending on download / config those modules / themes, drush can make those tasks in one or just several commands, this is why it can save a lot of time.

Basically I'm following below steps:

Deploy portlet to WebSphere Portal Server inside RAD

If you met this exception when add a portlet/EAR to WPS server by RAD WPS adapter (inside the Servers view):
The id=test-portlet already exists for stored standard portlet application Application Name not available for this Application in the XML element portlet-app test-portlet.
It means you should add id to the portlet-app portlet.xml, like:
<portlet-app xmlns=""

M2E plugin doesn't work with tomcat server

There is an issue for M2E (version to generate correct eclipse configuration files especially the .classpath. Once imported a maven project, it will generate the .classpath like below:
    <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.m2e.MAVEN2_CLASSPATH_CONTAINER"/>
But this will cause the eclipse server runtime like tomcat cannot find those jar libraries. After add the dynamic web application to the server from the server view, and start the server, it will throw exceptions like

Eclipse M2E plugin error: not covered by lifecycle configuration

M2E is formly known as M2eclipse, after transited to eclipse project, it introduced a new concept, life cycle connector. If some plugin has no corresponding connector, it will mark an error in eclipse IDE like below:
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:build-helper-maven-plugin:1.5:add-source (execution: default, phase: process-classes)
Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.codehaus.mojo:jaxws-maven-plugin:1.10:wsgen (execution: generate-wsdl, phase: process-classes)
